About The Engagement

Tsvi Misinai

Tsvi Misinai

Tsvi Jekhorin Misinai (Hebrew: צבי מסיני‎, born April 15, 1946) is an Israeli researcher, author, historian, computer scientist and entrepreneur.

A former pioneer of the Israeli software industry, he now spends most of his time researching and documenting the common Hebrew roots shared by world Jewry and the Palestinians (including Israeli Arabs). >> Read More

Prof. Joseph D. Ben-Dak

Prof Joseph Ben Dak

Prof. Joseph D. Ben-Dak has had extensive experience in applying entrepreneurship and multidisciplinary science to cultivating leadership and market dominance in technology and science and entertainment products. He has been discerning and forecasting social and technology impacts on sustainability as well as the particular newest sectors of nutrition, energy, security, education, and health. His career also involved and involves combining diplomacy, media licensing, cultural exchange and administration with senior academic appointments in 5 countries. These include Policy Sciences and Planning Sciences Professorship at the University of Haifa, Israel (1977-1984); the original development and programming of Korea's KAIST/KIST, and Japan's MITI [now METI] and similar major Asian Institutions and the National Research Council Professorship in Planning and Communication Technologies at the University of Sao Paulo, Brazil (1994-1997,2002-3).He has served the United Nations as acting Assistant Secretary General (Science and Technology) during four periods under 2 SGs on top of other UN servicing during 1991-1999. >> Read More

Prof. Izhak Etsion

Prof Izhak Etsion

Prof. Izhak Etsion,  The Haifa Technion, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Yeshayahu Winograd Chair in Fluid Mechanics and Heat Transfer.
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Prof. Yitzhaq Hayut-Man

Prof Yitzhaq Hayut Man

Prof. Yitzhaq Hayut-Man is named after his grandfather, one of the five founders of Tel Aviv, where his parents were born. He grew in Haifa, matriculated in the Reali School (emphasis on Math) and after army service studied architecture in London (A.A) and UC Berkeley (honors), then received Master of Urban and Regional planning in the Technion and eventually did a PhD in Cybernetics of cognitive system (Brunel U. UK), with a thesis on "The Cybernetic Basis for Human Reconstruction, with an Application to the Middle East" while working at the Systems Research Ltd. lab. UK. In between he worked at the Intenational Institute of Urban Studies and the World Institute, Jerusalem. and taught at the Federal University of Pernambuco, Brazil and Luisiana State University.

As an independent entrepreneur Hayutman has made some inventions, especially in games design and has been developing new comprehensive visions for Israel's future and for the (Holographic and games-based) Temple of Jerusalem as well as programs to enhance multi-dimensional perception. Some of these visions are presented at his blog – www.global-report.com/thehope. He has currently joined the faculty of Kepler Space University (KSU) as a Professor of Hyperspace and Peace Architectures and is a member of the "WorldShift2012" group.

Prof. Hillel Weiss

Prof. Hillel Weiss

Prof. Hillel Weiss – Professor of Jewish literature, in the Department of the Literature of the Jewish People in the Faculty of Jewish Studies in the Bar Ilan University. He is an active member of Professors group for a Strong Israel, working to advance Israel’s political and economic independence. A member of the Sanhedrin committee on Matters Concerning the Nation and the State of Israel.

Rabbi Dov Meir Stein

Rabbi Dov Meir Stein

Rabbi Dov Meir Stein Received semikha for the Rabbinut from Rav Sternberg of Edas Hareidi. A pioneer in the Sanhedrin's renewal for the last 20 years, he has been secretary of the Sanhedrin since its inception, dealing with logistical aspects as well as interacting with recognized Torah scholars and inviting rabbis to join the body.

Asher Shla'in

Asher Shla'in

Asher Shla'in – Economist & consultant. His professional work is about budgeting & control of products & resources as well as methodology of decision-supporting interfaces. He developed Insights and capacity for guidance & coaching, about one's person, organization, public & state affairs. Currently he is concerned with conflict resolution, mediation & reconciliation, and in particular with promoting openness, understanding & dialogue.
Asher's group activity is about learning, experiencing and also sharing a variety of stories.

Some writings:
Palistrael (A story 1999), In Hebrew: Abna al-Ard (Story continued 2001), No Two-state Solution (11/December/2003)

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